Leap of faith

lover the label red lace serpent dress

Lover the Label serpent lace dress, Kate Spade earrings

Looking back, one of the scariest and most daunting thing about packing up and moving to a new country wasn’t the losing the security of a stable job, or a fear of the unfamiliar; it was the unnerving reality of what I’d be leaving behind. It was knowing that in the near future, I would wake up in a city where I could count the number of friends I had on one hand, while taking a leap of faith in the looming adventure with my best friend and forever love.

But what I’ve come to find is, that I needn’t have been afraid at all. I’ve formed some of the closest bonds with people who I now come to consider as family. I feel like I’ve known them a lifetime, when barely a year and a half has passed since I moved to Sydney. It’s this network which has been so quick to pick me up when I’ve been down, and support me through one of the biggest emotional upheavals I’ve ever experienced. So, this one’s for you. The ones so near and dear to my heart.

Sometimes those leaps of faith aren’t so scary after all.


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  1. June 25, 2015 / 11:05 pm

    I feel like I need to do that one of these days! But that’s what’s stopping me, my family who all live super close to me now…would be so weird to not be able to see them whenever I want. But sometimes you just have to take that leap 😀