Happy Friday everyone and welcome back for the first Friday Finds of 2019. It’s so cliche to say it, but I can’t believe that January has come and gone; it’s the one month of the year that always flashes by a little too quickly. Something I’ve really been focusing on for 2019 has been reflection – both inner and outer reflection. Things like how I tackle or react to problems, how I want to spend my spare time, what’s important to me, and how my style is going to evolve this year (especially as I soldier on with the 5PFW…
It’s the middle of summer in Sydney, but that hasn’t stopped me from planning out some winter outfit ideas… you know, in anticipation of cold weather in a few months time. I really enjoyed sharing some of my layering ideas in December, so thought I’d come in for round two given the cold snap I know many of my American and European friends have experienced over the last couple of weeks. To mix things up I thought I would give a little more context to each of these winter outfit options here, and explain the styling elements and processes that…
If I had to pick one of the most worn items in my wardrobe, it’d have to be the Everlane Day Heel. This shoe has come on countless trips, been my companion on my daily 45+ minute walking commute to work, and the pair I reach for when I just don’t know what to wear. So I thought, since I’ve had them going on close to two years now, I’d share an update on whether they’re really worth the hype. Wearing Everlane bodysuit, Everlane cheeky straight leg jeans, Everlane oversized blazer, Everlane day heel in black leather, Everlane market tote,…
Happy Monday everyone! I thought I’d kick off the week by sharing my January beauty edit. I last wrapped things up in November, so I’ve got quite a few products to talk through today – lots of skincare in particular, that I’ve been trialling over the last two months. Summer is a time when I want my complexion to look flawless, natural, and glowing, and a lot of the products that I’ve been using have really been geared to that. The Makeup Edit Estee Lauder Double Wear Nude Water Fresh Makeup (Foundation) | This is an old favourite that I…
Today marks my 31st cycle around the sun, and it’s hard to really pinpoint how I feel about getting older. Turning 30 was such a defining year for me, mostly because it marked a real shift in lifestyle. Luke and I bought our first home, and I took an incredible leap of faith in myself and decided to go freelance – a decision I didn’t take lightly. Wearing MLM Label dress (P/L | also available here), Jane Debster slides (luxe version here), au|rate earrings It was really at the end of the year, surrounded by loved ones and family that…