When Luke and I made the move to Sydney a little under five years ago now, I think the biggest adjustment for me had to be those sticky hot and long summers. Growing up in Wellington, while we did have some lovely summers (and equally, some terrible ones), we generally didn’t see the temperatures rise much above 25 deg C. My wardrobe wasn’t exactly equipped for it, and neither was I. I was used to wearing long sleeves and oftentimes a jacket or a blazer in the middle of summer, and I quickly found myself trying just about everything to…
The first thing that probably comes to mind when thinking about shopping sustainably are natural fibres. Shifting that mindset away from buying man-made fibres (which is having a negative on the environment), and investing in quality materials is what I would consider to be a good starting block, especially if you’re only just beginning to transition your wardrobe to make it more sustainable in the long run. Perhaps more specifically, I’d say we look to cotton. Cotton basics are sold in abundance; our every day tees are made of cotton, the denim we reach for on repeat are made of…
I’m currently on countdown until I dive into the French Wardrobe challenge, which will see me focus on adding just five key pieces to my closet per season. It’s that strict focus on what is truly essential that has gotten me thinking a lot about what’s missing from my personal style, if anything at all. I’m a maker of lists, and I find it’s the simplest way to keep my resolve and my mission on track. So, I’ve started a running list at the back of my notebook, where I’ve been jotting down style essentials that I feel I’m currently…
My wardrobe and style journey has been fraught with indecision. I’ll be the first to admit it, as my fickle-minded self has ping-ponged from wanting a bare bones wardrobe, to lusting for more choice and freedom. A leisurely browse through Pinterest while listening to back-to-back episodes of The Minimalists Podcast is enough to remind me of my underlying closet mission, but when I’m a few hauls deep on YouTube or have found a new ‘it’ girl to follow on Instagram, my resolve goes out the window. I’m not going to say that I’m a minimalist, because I don’t think I…
Summer has *officially* begun Down Under, and while the weather hasn’t yet soared to the dizzyingly high temps that we faced last year, I’ve been starting to think about some outfit combinations that I can wear while still keeping cool. Living in a hot climate, there are a few considerations I tend to apply as a general rule. Firstly, the majority of my summer wardrobe must be constructed from natural fibres. It gets too hot to wear anything synthetic, plus as I steer myself towards a more sustainable wardrobe, I’m trying to reduce how many polyester items I own. The…