It’s not often that I’ll find most of my beauty products need replacing around the same time. But, it’s given me the opportunity to try out a few new products I’ve been itching to purchase, as well as pick up some trustworthy staples. After a few months of daily use, I’ve finally run out of the PureTAN coconut body creme. While I absolutely adore the scent (it seriously smells good enough to eat!), I thought I’d try the Body Shop’s body butter for a bit of a change. In the past I had never been able to justify the price…
Lover rosebud lace halter dress December brings with it so much promise. Days which extend long into the evening, overflowing social calendars, casual weekend BBQs and days spent at the beach, soaking up some of that delicious sunshine. I’ve already pulled out the sandals – which will no doubt be a permanent fixture on my feet until February – and traded in my long sleeved button up blouses for sleeveless ones. The more obvious things really. Not so obvious, were the subtle changes I would need to make to my skincare and beauty regime. Sydney Summers are typically known to…
With my 30×30 wardrobe challenge now over, I thought I’d share with you a few thoughts on how I went, the third time around. Truthfully? it felt like a walk in the park. I put this mostly down to a careful selection of wardrobe favourites; not to mention that the colour palette I chose was fairly neutral which made getting dressed in the morning so easy. Given that the weather was relatively mild to warm throughout the entire month (I’m not sure it dropped below 19 C), I ended up swapping out the J Brand skinny jeans for a hip-length…
Karen Walker astonished dress, Hope shirt, Lover libra lace skirt, Charlotte Olympia aquarius flats, Celine cabas tote So. Today marks day 30 of the 30×30 wardrobe challenge, and I’m already feeling a little lost. Having a full wardrobe at my disposal seems a little foreign to me after a month with just enough. However, I did pick up a couple of work essentials in November (nothing like a wardrobe audit to help you identify any gaps), which I’m looking forward to putting into rotation throughout December. I’m currently in the process of putting some of my thoughts to paper of…
Celine cabas tote Only a few more hours until the weekend well and truly begins. On my agenda? Soaking up some sun at the beach, watching Interstellar at IMAX, and picking up a final few Christmas bits and pieces. And if there’s one thing a big tote is perfect for come Christmas-time, it’s concealing some well thought out Christmas gifts until they are wrapped and put under the tree. PS. For those of you doing a little holiday shopping, this weekend is a good opportunity to nab a few things at a discount during the Black Friday and Cyber Weekend…