Linen. Strappy sandals. Straw bags. The sounds of crickets at sunset. Mosquito’s buzzing at your ankles. Spring has most definitely sprung. 26 deg C today here in Sydney, with temperatures of 29 and 28 forecast for the weekend. Wearing the quintessential spring/summer staples here, and looking forward to more outfits like this. Hope you enjoy the weekend ahead! Wearing Marle ardi dress (also comes in white here); Mara & Mine mules; Charles & Keith rattan bag; eb&ive earrings; Edge of Ember chain/pearl choker; Stella McCartney sunglasses
I wanted to start the week by sharing a couple of recent outfits. Despite my best intentions to try and blog here regularly, it’s been challenging trying to balance out working full time, caring for an (almost) 18-month old, and running a small business. Free time has been at a bit of a premium. Week 10 of our lockdown, and I’m continuing my efforts to “get dressed” every single day. It’s reinforced a shift in how I put together my outfits; dressing for me rather than for others. A bad habit that crept in during my teens, lingering throughout all…
It’s not too early to get a head start on my 2022 A/W wardrobe is it..? Ever the planner, the second I spotted that the Sezane 2021 Fall Collection was on the way, I started mapping out pieces that I thought would be a nice complement to my current wardrobe. Being at the tail end of winter here in Sydney was a boon to this, guiding me through what I felt was missing from my closet. I purchased a handful of items, and thought I’d share a review on what I got. Talking through sizing and fit, quality, details and…
You’re probably well aware by now that one of the few trends I’ve found myself getting wholly on board with this year are chunky boots. Thick, lug soles. Lots of tread. A shoe which feels quite masculine, especially when set against a backdrop of wardrobe “classics”. I know I’ve shared a little round up of some of my favourites before, but to coincide with tonight’s latest YouTube upload, I thought I’d touch on the topic again. Above, and below, you’ll find a curated edit of my favourite chunky boot styles. Would love to know, are you on board with this…
As a follow up to last week’s post, today I wanted to focus more on things that I felt my closet was missing. I tend to take note when I spy something I feel would be a great fit with my existing wardrobe. Though it’s not always quite as organic as that. Other times, it’s the result of browsing (while bored, when else?). A particular piece will catch my eye and all of a sudden I find myself planning out outfits like it was already part of my wardrobe. Rather than share my “wishlist” in its entirety, I thought I’d…