One thing I was reflecting on recently, is how our beauty routine ebbs and flows. From an elaborate multi-step regime, to one that is pared back. Minimal even. And right now, I’m finding myself in the latter camp. Less desire to try or use new products, instead focusing on a handful of core staples. Seeking out something new to try only when an empty pops up rather than on a whim like before. It reminds me a lot of my routine in my late teens and early twenties. Prior to discovering the world of skincare. Despite not having a robust stash of skincare (I think I may have had two cleansers, and that was it), my complexion was blemish-free and smooth. And I find whenever I’m having an angry skin moment, taking it back to basics (cleanser + moisturiser) is the trick to calming things down. Curious to know whether you do the same…
Anyway, let’s chat though my top three for June.
Emma Lewisham Illuminating Oil Face Cleanser
A bit of a cheat as the Illuminating Oil Face Cleanser from Emma Lewisham literally just arrived in the mail. And maybe I’m jumping the gun here, but this is good. Two pumps was enough oil to cleanse my face, starting dry and working it in primarily around the eyes which always seems to be a tricky spot for makeup removal. The main thing I noticed was just how clean my skin looked; free from makeup, bright, but luminous. Which is part of the appeal of an oil cleanser. It doesn’t feel like it’s stripping the skin. Instead, quite the opposite. Nourishing by nature.
I can’t speak to its antioxidant properties, but some of the key ingredients include Organic Chia, Rosehip, Macadamia and Neroli Absolute, along with Camelia oil. Gentle, but deeply penetrative ingredients which don’t disrupt the skin’s natural lipid barrier and act as a hydrator to keep skin looking healthy and plump.
Also worth nothing that all Emma Lewisham products are designed to be circular; the brand will take back used packaging, or alternatively you can purchase refills if you stumble across a product you love. Safe to say this has been a “brand to watch” for me for some time, and first impressions seem to be speaking volumes here.

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser Blush
This next favourite is an “oldie” but a goodie; the Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser Blush. A product I’m so happy to have rediscovered, because it’s good. And I mean really good. The tell was when I was doing a quick mirror check yesterday afternoon, and realised that my blush was giving me the same flushed appearance as when it was applied, 10 hours earlier. Often, it would be at this point that I’d be seeking out a little top up, especially if I have evening plans. So it was a little surprising as I’d forgotten how well the formula of this Laura Mercier blush adheres to the cheek.
I’ve been alternating between two shades: Corsica (a heavily saturated peach) and Mediterannee (a washed out peach hue). Which even in the thick of winter, these peachy shades tend to bring out the best in my complexion.
One thing I will say, is that a little goes a long way. I’ll squeeze a couple of *small* dots onto each cheek, and blend and buff out with a blush brush. You need to work reasonably quickly as once the liquid dries down, it’s not going anywhere. Also love that you can immediately tell what colour you’re seeking out just from the tube. A total win and one that I’ve been using on heavy rotation (along with my Merit Beauty Flush Balm, and Glossier Cloud Paint). You can read my full review HERE.
it Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream
This product has a bit of a caveat. I’ve been a long-time lover of the original CC cream from it Cosmetics. The satin finish version, which is high coverage and will high away all matter of redness, while looking skin-like on application. But the shade I have is far, far too dark for my complexion. And while I’d been making it work with a couple of mix-ins, I’d almost run out so figured, time for a top up. The shade I needed wasn’t available in-store, and the closest option was the “oil-free matte”, so I took a bit of a gamble.
The highlights are generally the same. Coverage is high with little product required, and it’s comfortable to wear. But I find the matte quality of it a little jarring. Especially coming off a good 18 months + of solely wearing base products with a satin or dewy finish. So I’ve been relying on mix-ins to give me a bit of healthy glow. Namely, my beloved ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint. This helps to also thin out the formula a little to give my complexion a little more space to shine through. And it has the added benefit of evening out the shade to something a little closer to my natural complexion. Having olive skin means it can be a challenging feat to find a complexion product that matches the undertone and neutrality I’m seeking.
While it might be branded as a “CC” Cream, to me this is more of a full coverage foundation. One worth trying if you’re still yet to add it to your rotation.
What products have you been loving this month?