Day thirty

Hard to believe that the thirty days are up already, and that today marks the last day of adhering to only wearing a small section of my wardrobe. Initially I had endeavored to take a photo every day, but in reality, that was ambitious of me, although I did manage to photograph the majority of what I wore, assorted into a loose collage above. Should you have any questions about what item is what, you are welcome to ask me on formspring, or you can view the list of items that I chose to wear here. While it’s not Wednesday yet, I’ve already found myself thinking about what to wear tomorrow, a choice I think I am going to find difficult to make.


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  1. steph
    October 30, 2012 / 5:48 am

    wow that went quickly! i think you did really well, probably way better than i would have. i am really inspired to try this for myself now jamie-lee 😉

  2. Sarah
    October 30, 2012 / 6:38 am

    I love this idea! I’m a firm believer in that you don’t need to have rack and racks of clothes to be fashionable, it’s all about how you style them with each other to create a new outfit! And I also really like the monochromatic look of the majority of your outfits! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m glad I got to discover your’s, I’ll definitely be following on BlogLovin’!

    The Weekend Diary

  3. Ashleigh
    October 30, 2012 / 7:40 am

    You did so well! I loved all the outfits you came up with, definitely wouldn’t have thought you had a limited selection to choose from! xo

  4. MattieMo
    October 30, 2012 / 10:14 am

    Congrats on finishing the challenge, I think you really did it great :)) I’m thinking about trying it myself, but I’m not so sure if I could make it

  5. Vulette
    October 30, 2012 / 10:29 am

    Can’t believe you made it through, I would have ‘forgotten’ halfway and just worn something else, or purchased something and wanted to wear it too much and would give in.

    This collage is such great inspiration for workwear outfits. I find it difficult to decided what is office appropriate as well as something I enjoy wearing. I have way too many ‘weekend’ clothes and not enough work options.

  6. October 30, 2012 / 6:06 am

    Congrats on finishing! All your outfits look amazing and really different – you definitely can’t tell you only had a limited wardrobe for them! 🙂

    Life etc

  7. October 30, 2012 / 7:26 am

    Well done!! That Lover dress looks so cute on you, reminds me of Christina Ricci in The Adams family – in a good way.

  8. Josie
    October 31, 2012 / 12:51 am

    Ah well done! I love this post, it’s great to see all of your outfits together like this you look so fab xxx

  9. October 30, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    I still think it’s so cool that you started this challenge in the first place! Love looking back at these looks and seeing how you mixed/matched all the pieces. What’s cool about the items you selected is that they’re versatile in many ways! 🙂 Super chic looks!


  10. Rebecca Ladd
    October 30, 2012 / 9:40 pm

    I think you look fabulous very day of this challenge. No one would guess this was a minimalist exercise.

  11. October 30, 2012 / 10:06 pm

    Wow!! I like every look!!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog 🙂

  12. October 30, 2012 / 11:55 pm

    This is such a great idea. I think my favourite looks are when you wear that red dress, it’s a beautiful colour on you!

  13. October 31, 2012 / 12:45 am

    All your outfits look so different, I think you did well to mix and match with limited items. Look forward to more!

  14. October 31, 2012 / 2:24 am

    It’s interesting how varied your looks are even though you are mixing and matching ‘only’ 30 pieces. What did you miss wearing the most?

    • Jamie lee
      November 1, 2012 / 8:43 pm

      I more missed having a bit of extra variety. And not being able to weary kitty shoes – a girl needs a bit of novelty in her life haha

  15. October 31, 2012 / 4:10 am

    Really beautiful and wonderfuls outfits!!


  16. October 31, 2012 / 7:45 am

    You make wearing skirts and dresses look so easy. I should take a leaf from your book and just do it more often.

    All the looks are very lovely but now I am intrigued as to what you will pick for day 31.

  17. camilla
    October 31, 2012 / 10:04 pm

    this is perfect!

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

  18. October 31, 2012 / 12:10 pm

    You did a fantastic job with each and every outfit! x

  19. October 31, 2012 / 12:15 pm

    I haven’t been following your blog for too long so I only really caught the tail end of this challenge but it looks like you’ve done an amazing job with it. 30 pieces sounds like a little but when you actually count it out, and pick the clothes, it’s not too bad, is it?

  20. Winnie
    November 1, 2012 / 1:46 am

    oh you have nice outfits! I like them 🙂
    following you for sures.
