Today marks my 31st cycle around the sun, and it’s hard to really pinpoint how I feel about getting older. Turning 30 was such a defining year for me, mostly because it marked a real shift in lifestyle. Luke and I bought our first home, and I took an incredible leap of faith in myself and decided to go freelance – a decision I didn’t take lightly.
Wearing MLM Label dress (P/L | also available here), Jane Debster slides (luxe version here), au|rate earrings
It was really at the end of the year, surrounded by loved ones and family that I felt different. I felt like I’d finally made that transition from a 20-something into an adult, at least through the lens of my five-year-old self. I like to think that I’m continuously learning from each and every experience, and to mark by 31st birthday, I thought I’d share five life lessons that really stuck with me over the past year.
Your physical & mental health are #1
It’s never come naturally to me to put my health – both physical or mental – first, but in 2018 I started to feel burnt out. I was always on high alert, my anxiety levels were through the roof, and I was often not eating enough, or indulging too much in the wrong types of foods. And it really affected me. I had trouble sleeping, my memory was (and still kind of is) shot, I found it difficult having a normal conversation with friends, and I couldn’t switch off or relax.
It took a severe anxiety spiral to make me take a step back and re-evaluate what was important to me – my personal health. And in that moment of realisation, I finally felt ready to start exercising again, eat better, and put the wheels into motion to allow myself the space to slow down.
Two of the biggest contributors to change for me have been light meditation and low-impact exercise, but I also think it’s important to never underestimate the value of talking to someone – whether they’re a close friend or an unbiased medical professional. Your mental health can benefit greatly just from getting something off your chest.

Life’s too short to say ‘no’
In some ways, I look back on my twenties with a tinge of regret. Regret over the things I wish I’d made the most of in my twenties. I wish I’d travelled more. Saved more. Spent less time worrying about the things that didn’t matter. Mostly, I wish I’d say yes more. Yes to road trips. Yes to summers at the beach. Yes to dinners with my girlfriends.
A year into my thirties and my perspective is so very different. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved and where I am, but I want to take more risks, have more fun, and truly start living in the moment, because the last thing I want to reflect on in ten years’ time is how I wish I’d made more of my thirties when I had the chance.
There’s always a silver lining
I’ve always tried to be a ‘half glass full’ kind-a-gal, and there were parts of 2018 that tested me in ways I never knew possible. The one thing that got me through it? Looking for the silver lining. Life isn’t always going to go our way – or to our plan – and sometimes, you just have to roll with the punches.
Be nice
Coming from Wellington, I’ve always been a little taken aback by the competitive nature of working in Sydney. I’m not afraid to admit that it can feel like a bit of a rat race at times, but one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that it pays to be nice. Despite a population of five million, Sydney is still a small place, and certain industries can be even smaller. And people talk. What goes around comes around, and it doesn’t cost anything to simply be nice, and form a positive working relationship with someone.
You do you
It was a big turning point for me when I finally made the decision to quit my 9 to 5. Alongside my freelance commitments, and working on creating personal content for my YouTube channel and blog, I was easily working 75+ hours a week, and it showed. I’ve always been the kind of person who has felt guilty leaving on time, taking leave, or getting sick. I like to pull my weight, and I’m a huge team player, and choosing to make my own way during the biggest quarter of the year wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Ultimately, I realised that I was holding myself back both professionally and spiritually, and that I needed to do something for me. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and while it might feel a little uncomfortable, sometimes the only solution is to put yourself first.
Lovely post. I am entering my thirties later this year, I can relate to so much of what your saying! Thank you for sharing. 🙂 I am a new follower to your blog/channel, keep up the great work!
PS Happy Birthday!
Thank you so much Yvonne! Hope you’re having a great start to your week xx
Another lovely reason for me to feel fortunate my path crossed yours on YouTube, Jamie-Lee – I sensed we have much in common so reading this post warms my heart that confirms you are a kindred spirit. I am glad you are putting YOU first as it really is hard to do for those of us who are conscientious and caring people. Keep taking care of YOU, you are on the right track with all that you are doing to ensure you stay healthy and happy. 🙂 xx
P.S. Happy Birthday !! 🙂 xx
Thank you so much love. Sounds like I’m not alone in essentially making myself suffer in certain situations, just because I want everyone else to be happy. Not the healthiest thing at all and sometimes you’ve just got you put YOU first 🙂 Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead! xx