Taking a new direction

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chambray shirt karen walker skirt leopard heels fashion blog
chambray shirt karen walker skirt leopard heels fashion blog
chambray shirt karen walker skirt proenza schouler ps11 fashion blog

Country Road chambray shirt (similar), Karen Walker leatherette skirt (similar), Diane von Furstenburg leopard heels (flats version here), Proenza Schouler PS11 bag, Karen Walker rings

While I’m not normally one to share much about my personal life, sometimes the excitement is so great that you really just can’t help it. Having spent the past four years working in the ‘real world’, I’ve always questioned whether I made the right decisions while studying at university. When I first began my studies, I initially committed to a double degree in commerce and the arts, but two years in, I decided that the arts, or more specifically political science and international relations, was my true passion. One year later I completed my degree (singular), an achievement that I was proud to have accomplished. But, at some point over the last two years, my point of view changed, as it is naturally inclined to do, and I found I had thoughts of further study floating around. I questioned whether I truly had made the right choices at university, and asked myself where I wanted to be in 10, 15, 20 years from now.

I guess it’s true what they say, that your 20s are for finding yourself, for making mistakes or bad decisions, and essentially, just enjoying life. Now, half way through my 20s, I’ve found myself firmly on a new path, one that I’m still just as unsure about, but it’s still exciting nonetheless. I’m finding myself returning back to study, extramurally, to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing, an area of complete interest to me that I can envisage sinking my teeth into. I’m no stranger to reading university text books in my spare time (truly, it’s a way to refresh all that you’ve learnt), and the assigments? Not quite a long forgotten memory although will most definitely take some getting used to.

2013 seems to be the year where I have followed through on all the ‘crazy’ ideas that I have. The idea to learn French, regularly attend boxing classes, embark on a vegan diet, and finally make it to Fashion Week. And what have I learnt? That committing yourself to all these ideas or thoughts isn’t scary, nor does it take a lot of work, and the end result is so much better than just talking about it.


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  1. May 26, 2013 / 9:09 pm

    Ooh this is super exciting! It might be a bit of a shock going back at first, but I’m sure the fact that you’re doing it to pursue something that you’re truly interested in will make all the difference 🙂


  2. May 26, 2013 / 10:41 pm

    EEK, this is SO exciting! 😀

    Maria xxx

  3. May 26, 2013 / 11:20 pm

    Yep you rock! I changed from a Science degree to Music so I know what you mean by changing your mind 🙂 Have fun lady you’re still young!!!

    xx Stace

  4. May 27, 2013 / 8:26 am

    Congrats on your diploma! Learning is what keep us young and updated so go for it, you are so young and have all the future ahead of you, follow whatever direction you get interested in and makes you wiser and better prepared, good luck on this new path! ps. love the combo of your look!

    Cee. ♥
    Code Overdressed

  5. May 27, 2013 / 10:00 am

    That is super exciting Jamie-Lee! And well done on going for it, even though it’s scary & you’re a little unsure! I wish you lots of luck with it! 🙂
    I feel sort of the same recently also, I feel a little like I’ve ‘settled’ & taken the easy, secure route after leaving university, instead of the one I was truly passionate about (because it was scary & financially uncertain). Then one of my friends said something to me the other day that made me realise – your 20’s are for making mistakes & doing all the crazy things, so what if you put yourself out there & fail? You have plenty more years to succeed or go back to the more secure job, but if you don’t try you’ll always wonder…
    Also, LOVE the creased texture of that skirt!

  6. May 27, 2013 / 11:28 am

    Good work! I actually think it’s not enough to do an undergrad these days – you need to specialise, and I would encourage everyone looking into this to WAIT until they’re ready. I did a BA which I finished in 05 then it wasn’t until 2011 that I realised what I really wanted to do – so did a specialist post grad last year, and am now working in my dream job. I wish school leavers knew that there is really NO rush – go out, travel, find yourself, do some internships, do some work experience, then decide. The pressure an 18 year old has to decide what they want to do with their lives is outrageous. Career changes and returning to study while working full time should be encouraged these days. This is WHY THERE IS SO MUCH STUDENT DEBT. ARRRRGH I’M GETTING ANGRYRYRYRYRYRY.

  7. Adela
    May 27, 2013 / 9:55 am

    Wow that sounds great! Good luck with everything.
    Adela xx


  8. May 27, 2013 / 1:04 pm

    I think it’s awesome that you’re setting your sights on an area that you’re actually excited and passionate about. That will definitely pay off in the long run for sure. I’m wishing you all the best of luck with your post graduate degree. I think it’s also really cool that you made a list of things you wanted to do this year and you followed through on them. Good for you. They always say that some things in life are easier said than done, but you definitely ‘did’ what you set out to. Two thumbs up. Thanks for sharing with us babe, and like always I’m lovin’ what you’re wearing. 🙂


  9. Fenny Yolanda (Ladies Home Journal)
    May 27, 2013 / 3:36 pm

    Ohhhh Love it so much! Especially your bag hahaha <3 Love your fashion style Jamie ^.^


    Ladies Home Journal

  10. May 27, 2013 / 9:40 pm

    It’s really great that you are following your heart and going back to study. I’m sure it is a tiny bit daunting but I’m sure it will pay off. How exciting! Some new times a head for you and a new direction. That’s always a good thing.

    – Mandi
    Find Me A Muse

  11. Vulette
    May 27, 2013 / 9:43 pm

    AWESOME! That is so cool to hear. I love when you just come to some huge decision and feel 100% great about it. I love making big changes in my life, or just jumping right into a whole new adventure.

    And ditto to what Alisha said, totally wish I didn’t rush to go to uni right after school.

  12. May 28, 2013 / 12:16 am

    That’s a really cool skirt! Love the wrinkled leather effect! Also I know what you mean, I am always changing my mind and wondering if I am doing the right thing, 20’s are definitely about finding yourself! Congrats on completing your course though! I hope you might want to check out my personal style blog too, I’m from the countryside of England 🙂 🙂


  13. May 28, 2013 / 2:30 am

    So nice to share your thoughts! I get that, fights and struggle with my head. I’m also studying commerce in University, but I did since Polytechnic when I did my diploma, I managed one in Information Technology in E-Business. When I got accepted into a University, I decided to venture into Information Systems and E-commerce. I thought it was my world, until I took extra modules (Almost 6 of them) in marketing E.g. Consumer Behavior, Marketing, Asian Marketing, Digital Marketing… I thought it wasn’t so bad, and now after my exchange from Hong Kong University next year I’m planning to take an extra external degree in marketing, it may coincide with my major in commerce, but I don’t see how it would hurt me and I’d truly support you! It seemed like I found someone who loved and am truly passionate about something as I do (including textbooks) but I hope one day we find our direction that we really want to venture in, lay our heart for the rest of our lives.

    Our dreams may falter, but as long as we’re determined, and have a goal — Perseverance. Let me know if you need help Jamie! I’ve always thought you were such an inspiration – your looks, your outfit and I’ve also always wondered. Your last name is “Lee”, does that mean you’re mixed? Sorry Jamie I’m pretty slow but I’ve always been curious.


  14. Satu
    May 28, 2013 / 3:08 am

    We all make mistakes or choices that later might regret. I’m one of them, now unsure whether I should push through some last courses of these studies or not – since I’m pretty I’ll never do work related to that degree and I already have a nice job in sales. 🙂
    Your new plans sound really exciting and something I would love to study / do for living myself!
    Plus your outfit is super cute, with that wrinkly looking skirt and all.. Lovely.

    Indie by heart

  15. Jordan
    May 28, 2013 / 5:55 am

    I’m quickly figuring out that the 20s are definitely a time of mistakes, but I’m so glad that you’re going back to school and going after what you really want now! Great outfit post too! Love that leatherette skirt.



  16. June 9, 2013 / 6:10 am

    Congrats! How lucky you are to figure this out in your mid-20s. And the great thing is that you still have time on your side to make a success of yourself.

    Ps. Your posts no longer come up on my blogger feed… 🙁