On personal style: Style reflections of 2012

2012 has been a year of many purchases, and just as many culls, a fact which I truly am loathe to acknowledge or wish to admit. I’ve found irony in the number of times that I vowed I would attempt to shop smarter, or cut down on my number of purchases. Neither of which I seem to have achieved in any respect, instead choosing to play up the number of frivolities I indulged in over the year.

I’ve found myself becoming increasingly drawn to the same kinds of images, perhaps a reflection of my style inclinations maturing, although who could say. Unsurprisingly the looks espoused in these images are comprised of stripes, skinny jeans or tapered trousers, silky blouses, streamlined skirts, and a simple colour palette devoid of excessive or bold prints.

This slight change in tastes has led to changes that are aligned or somewhat parallel in my wardrobe. Well, as aligned as possible, and in accordance with my lifestyle. As you can imagine, over time this meant parting with a number of items in my wardrobe that in reality, just didn’t fit, and was not limited to things such as incredibly high heels, frothy sugar-laced skirts and most prints that were loud in nature.

What has resulted is a wardrobe that is much more balanced, cohesive, with a much smaller focus on “impact” or “statement” pieces – an effect that can be much more simply acquired through accessories. Essentially, taking off on Nina’s idea of modest dressing, with statement shoes. Rather than feeling like I have nothing to wear, I can get dressed within a matter of minutes (or less!), yet I don’t feel like I am without options.

It probably helps that I have finally come to the realisation that just because something looks stunning on someone else, does not mean that the same will ring true for me (unfortunately). In a similar vein, I’ve started to consider how versatile a new purchase would be in my wardrobe – something I hope allows for a more thoughtful approach to shopping, although I”m pretty sure I’ve said something along those lines before.

While I don’t find myself defeated in my apparent wish to be a smarter shopper in 2012, I can always, and do, hope to do better in 2013. I’m not particularly fond of resolutions, as I feel that quite often it involves setting yourself up for disappointment, my own shopping resolution for 2013 is for my purchases to total less than half what I bought in 2012. Have you made any shopping resolutions for 2013?


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  1. January 23, 2013 / 8:49 am

    My shopping resolution for 2013 is to shop more in my closet and decrease cost per wear. Also, focusing on purchasing from my classics wishlist instead of indulging in one too many frivolities. Here’s to achieving our shopping resolutions this year! 🙂


  2. January 23, 2013 / 9:01 am

    Yea, I really need to be smarter with my buys. I think I have been doing pretty good lately. Though I just bought a Burberry Prorsum dress yesterday that I definitely don’t need…but it was only $66!! (because there was a tiny mistake in the seam, which my mom fixed in 2 seconds)

  3. January 23, 2013 / 9:14 am

    I don’t really have any shopping resolutions for the new year, but I’ve started to donate pieces in my closet that have just been sitting there and aren’t getting any use. 🙂


  4. January 23, 2013 / 9:19 am

    My shopping resolution this year is to not buy something just because it’s on sale. Just like when grocery shopping, I want to have a list that I stick to. I want to focus on buying great pieces, that I can easily mix and match. I don’t mind loud colors as I live in a tropical area, but I want to shy away from loud prints except from leopard (I LOVE leopard lol) And I want to stay away from trends, I like to have fun with my wardrobe but I want to keep the fun and loud pieces to a minimum. I want to invest more in accessories and shoes. Well maybe just accessories I have enough shoes as it is. To help me with my shopping I set some financial goals for myself, so hopefully that would refrain me from shopping as much.


  5. January 23, 2013 / 9:59 am

    Some people need to keep it in their pants, well I need to keep it (my credit card) in my wallet… or technically my phone case. I don’t know if I can be as good as you and cut it in half, but I’d like to try! 🙂

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  6. January 23, 2013 / 12:17 pm

    I know that feeling of “nothing to wear” all to well! I have so many bold bright colours in my wardrobe, but it often ends up being hard to pair these pieces with anything new. I’ve been pondering fora while now about getting more “classic” pieces that are really versatile, so you’ve given me something to think about a bit more!!
    xoxo Amie @ Spoonful of Vintage

  7. January 23, 2013 / 3:42 pm

    I put myself in a shopping time out for the month of January. A month to month resolution works better for me as my willpower is weak!!!!

  8. January 23, 2013 / 3:50 pm

    I felt very similarly this time last year and found that putting my resolution to shop less/better in writing helped me to stick to it (for the most part) in 2012. It definitely isn’t easy though!

  9. January 23, 2013 / 3:52 pm

    Great photos, I need to shop my closet more and rediscover things I haven’t worn in a while!

  10. January 23, 2013 / 6:59 pm

    it’s very easy to say we’ll shop smarter and less often, but as soon as we’re confronted by the next item we just HAVE to have, all that resolve flies out the window. we all do it, and it’s hard to get out of that mindset that our wardrobes will only be complete with this one item. I think it’s just something anyone who loves clothes has to deal with. your new style resolution sounds great, and I’m certainly attempting (and have attempted) to do the same. for the record I think you do very well, and you have an amazing wardrobe and sense of style x

  11. Nina
    January 23, 2013 / 5:17 pm

    I want to touch everything in that box of goodies!

    The only style resolution I remember making was to spice up how I wear basics because I am forever buying what I think are basics. When it comes to shopping smarter, I’ve started this list system which basically is a wishlist and I don’t buy anything that’s not on there. Right now, I don’t think it is that effective because I’ve slightly strayed from it but try and try again.

    Nina x

  12. steph
    January 23, 2013 / 5:23 pm

    i have the same issues but i try not to overthink too much and just shop what i feel like when i can afford it.. i keep buying the same things too. i have a lot of the same black and white tops that my boyf can’ even tell apart and i think i don’t really need another butttt always come across one with a slightly different detail/cut.. wish i had your resolve!

  13. January 23, 2013 / 10:16 pm

    Hi there! I do like your philosopy here, its so easy to make ‘resolutions’ about clothes, but so hard to keep! I also aim to make less purchases than last year and any items i do buy have to be things I really love, basics I need and that I will definitely wear, rather than being kept in the wardrobe for ‘best’ or ‘special occasions’! Thanks for stopping by, a great post and love your blog!

  14. January 23, 2013 / 10:42 pm

    Just not to be so easily led by what I see on others and to remain more true to myself. I won’t stop shopping, that’s a step too far and would be torture but I hope to buy more of the things I will really wear rather than things which languish in the wardrobe waiting for an occasion. Oh yes and not to be beat myself up about not being able to cut back or do an effective wardrobe cull. I just wasn’t made that way.

  15. January 24, 2013 / 12:11 am

    Noooo, you have so many nice printed pieces, don’t get rid of them all! You do look good in classic pieces too though. I have been very good, even through sale season. I don’t really need anything and don’t have as much time for shopping now, so I think I will try to stick to a couple of pieces from my fav designers and not much else. I have even resisted the Karen Walker sale so far, although the Beau Coops printed brogues were tempting.

  16. January 24, 2013 / 1:11 am

    My resolution is to buy less, because I want to buy new camera, so spending so much money on clothes is definitely not helping! 😀


  17. January 24, 2013 / 2:15 am

    Ah you are MUCH more disciplined than me, sometimes I wish I could just start over but I know I would moss all of my clothes!

    Maria xxx

  18. Kas&Blue
    January 24, 2013 / 1:05 am

    Thanku for your lovely comment!! We loved your pics!! We can follow each other if you’d like too!!


  19. January 24, 2013 / 12:15 pm

    I love your jewelry! I spy with my little eye! I think your on the right track. I’m not a big fan of resolutions. In terms of shopping, I try to be pragmatic and thoughtful about what I purchase. And appreciate the beautiful items that I have. I didn’t add as much as one might think in 2013, but I added those special things that I really love. At this point my wardrobe is in a pretty good place, so it’s about those items that pull on my heartstrings.

  20. January 24, 2013 / 10:44 pm

    I always started my new year with the same mantra/attitude – WEAR MORE BUY LESS but this mantra tend to fade away after a few months or worst, weeks! We can only do our best, right? Thanks for visiting me 🙂

    Kisses from Dubai!

  21. Angela Donava
    January 24, 2013 / 10:09 pm

    great jewelry!

    Angela Donava

  22. January 25, 2013 / 12:42 am

    Enjoyed reading this post – I feel many of the same emotions, even though I really want to be less neurotic about something that is meant to be enjoyed. It doesn’t help that over time our tastes change and sometimes what seemed like a savvy buy about two years ago becomes “wrong” over night. Or something new comes along to make you feel like you need an update, even though what you already have is fine.

    My resolution for 2013 isn’t all that different from what I’ve always aspired to – buy more thoughtfully and don’t get swept away by a fresh thrill. Lately for some reason I’ve been looking for dresses, and I rarely wear dresses! So it was a matter of letting the feeling pass until I regain my senses.

  23. January 25, 2013 / 4:21 am

    Hi doll!

    I haven’t made any shopping-specific resolutions, but I should probably clean out the closets and edit my clothes before I go on a shopping haul. 🙂


  24. January 25, 2013 / 11:34 am

    I’m still so impressed with your 30 for 30 challenge. The outfits were always so tasteful and are an inspiration to me. You’ve done incredibly well in amalgamating new purchases with what’s already in your wardrobe. Love your style!

  25. January 25, 2013 / 10:08 pm

    So I have a question: when you get rid of your stuff, do you sell it on ebay? Because I would love to be able to buy a piece of your wardrobe 🙂

    My shopping resolution for this year is to really think and research before I buy…especially with shoes. I want to make sure I buy shoes I can really use on a regular basis and that are good quality yet still reasonable in price, as opposed to ones that I only buy based on the superficial aspects.