Summertime peach

Karen Walker leopard dress & bunny bracelet, Acne cardigan, Renatta Jop loafers, Country Rd belt

Following on from a string of hip-related aches and pains, of late I have found little pleasure in heading out for a run, scenic or otherwise. Having previously participated in Muay Thai kickboxing classes for a time, I was inspired by the ever-stylish Michelle, and this past week I found myself feeling inclined to take up boxing. A choice, that I must say, is one of the better decisions that I have made of late. While I’m currently nursing sore muscles, the workout itself has been encouraging, enjoyable, and for that short hour, makes me feel powerful. It’s the sort of thing that I can easily envision becoming addictive, and in time I hope to supplement it with a couple of shorter runs each week.

Ending the summer on a peachy note in this leopard print Karen Walker dress in muted dusty tones. The loafers, a fairly new addition to my shoe collection, materialised from a desire to have a wider variety of colour when it came to my everyday shoes, which up until a point have been mostly black or navy. I find I am usually a little hesitant to purchase from brands that I don’t know, as online shopping can be very hit or miss, but in this instance the gamble definitely paid off, filling a glaringly obvious gap in my closet. The only thing I regret is not nabbing these sooner, as once the cold starts to hit my black boots will effectively be glued to my feet!


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  1. March 4, 2013 / 11:33 am

    just gorgeous xx

  2. March 4, 2013 / 2:15 pm

    Ooh boxing! That sounds so fun! I’ve been thinking about practicing gymnastics again, but it will be hard with work and getting home at 8pm…probably not going to happen.
    I love those new loafers on you! 😀

  3. March 4, 2013 / 3:34 pm

    The print on that dress is just lovely in those soft tones and the new loafers blend with it so perfectly! Great look dear! And too cool that you’ve taken up boxing! 🙂


  4. March 4, 2013 / 8:33 pm

    what a pretty dress! I hope your hip feels better soon. I’ve been tempted to take up boxing too actually, as it would be a great workout for my bad knee xx

  5. March 4, 2013 / 8:45 pm

    Super cute outfit. I am not a huge fan of animal print but I love this modern take on it. The peach tones look great on you.

    Christie x

    Dark Blue Stripes

  6. March 4, 2013 / 11:04 pm

    Adore this outfit! Gorgeous colour palette. xox

  7. March 4, 2013 / 11:07 pm

    super cute outfit !! 🙂

  8. March 5, 2013 / 2:35 am

    Love this outfit, the muted tones are gorgeous!

    Maria xxx

  9. Lindsey
    March 5, 2013 / 5:31 am

    Beautiful look and love your shoes 🙂

    Complacency Kills