Reframing my shopping mindset around special occasions and milestones

Over the weekend, I celebrated my 32nd birthday. An occasion I’d usually mark with some kind of gift. Treat yourself, right? It’s only natural; the one day of the year dedicated to you. Combined with the fact that January and February have consistently been months where I’ve shopped in excess as a response to dealing with some difficult emotions which emerge during this time, and you’ve got a recipe where I have almost always felt like I’ve been set up to fail. But for 2020, I really wanted to reframe my shopping mindset around special occasions and milestones. While I love…

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Is it worth keeping “museum pieces” in your wardrobe?

We all have those items in our closet. They’re sentimental, were expensive, or took years to track down. And despite the fact that they seldom get worn, it’s just hard to fathom letting them go. It hangs in the closet unworn; a museum piece, if you will. I’ve encountered this a few times over the years, talking myself into keeping something because of the sheer effort involved in finding it. For the most part, I can usually keep my emotions and attachment out of the equation when it comes to decluttering. But, a handful of items in my closet have…

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Books I read in 2019

As a child, I was always a voracious reader. My idea of fun was to loan animal books from the library and create fact booklets; something I took a great deal of pride in, despite unwittingly realising I was essentially studying for fun. These days, I spend just as much time watching YouTube or Netflix as I do tucking into a good book, but seeing myself goals has helped me to really indulge in this past time that is such a great way to unwind. With baby #1 on the way, I’ve set myself the goal of making it through…

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3 Wardrobe staples that have defined my style

Our style is ever-evolving. Changing as we age, enter new periods of our lives, and develop (or grow out of) certain interests. Having vigilantly documented my style journey from the age of 18 (I’m 32 this weekend!), it’s been interesting to note which wardrobe staples have really had a lasting impact on my personal style. Even as I’ve been drawn away from a silhouette, certain themes have continued to creep their way back into the styling elements of my daily outfits. I’m an analytical kind of woman; I love looking at numbers, and identifying patterns. Given my love of fashion…

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New in my wardrobe: Everlane Glove Boot Reknit

Clearly, my autumn/winter wardrobe planning is in full swing. I’ve been making good on my resolve to add fewer, but better items to my wardrobe, so took the opportunity to snag a couple of *forever* wishlist pieces from the end of year sales. A pair of wool felted trousers from Acne Studios; a super oversized rollneck sweater from Babaa. And most recently, this Everlane Glove Boot Reknit in the bone hue*. I’ve still got 5.5 weeks of pregnancy left (give or take), so I’m thinking more about how I’ll be utilising what I have (that still fits) over anything new…

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