It’s okay to repeat your outfits

When did repeating your outfit become so stigmatised? A quick google of the phrase comes up with countless responses to tackle the the task of repeating your outfit without anyone noticing – my question is, should you really care? At a time where the conversation around fashion is shifting towards more sustainable view points and buying clothing that is high quality and built to last, there’s more reason than ever to repeat your favourite looks. Wearing Portmans linen dress (similar here), Jane Debster sandals (luxe version here), Celine trotteur bag (affordable option here), Mejuri ring, Madewell earrings (also here), Chain…

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Shopping rules to follow when buying something new

Setting a handful of style resolutions this year has really shifted the way that I look at my wardrobe – and in particular, adding anything new to it. I think we’ve all been there, where we have a closet stuffed to the brim with clothes, but can’t find a single cute thing to wear. It’s where I found myself ending up once again, and I really wanted to shift away from wearing just 20% of my closet 80% of the time. Having set a limit of 20 pieces to add to my closet over the year – not counting basics…

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Sezane Clothing Review & Try On: Why I Returned my Entire Order

Late last year I spoke a little about the brands I’d like to try in 2019, many of which were either brands which offer high quality wardrobe staples, or have ethical and sustainable business practices in place (the latter of which I’d love to support more where possible). Perhaps at the top of the list of brands I was curious about was Sezane. I’d heard so many good things about the French brand both on YouTube and on blogs, that it seemed a natural place to start, so I decided to get on the front foot and do a cheeky…

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Winter Layering 101

Despite being a complete summer baby at heart, I love winter fashion. The layering, the cosy knit sweaters, the coats; it’s the time of the year when I find myself having the most fun with my wardrobe – even if it is freezing cold. Following on from one of my most recent YouTube videos (which I’ve embedded below in case you’d like to have a watch), I wanted to share my basic winter layering tips and tricks for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, who want to look chic while still feeling as snug as a bug. Step one:…

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My 2019 Style Resolutions

I usually make a firm point of not holding myself to any resolutions, but this year I wanted to do things a little bit differently. I’ve been seriously trying to shift away from consuming far more than I need, so I’ve set myself some goals or ‘style resolutions’ that I hope to keep in 2019. So I’m hoping that my putting this out there into the universe, will help me to keep my style resolutions in check and change my attitudes towards shopping and my wardrobe for the better.  Wearing Uniqlo U tee, Dr Denim shorts (similar here), Yoli &…

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