New in beauty

I recently picked up a few bits and pieces from Everlane and The Real Real , and figured it was as good a time as any to nab a few beauty products that I’d had sitting on my wishlist. First up was the Lorac Pro Contour Palette; while I don’t contour quite as much as I used to (I tend to go pretty minimal on the base these days), I thought that this would be a great product to have in my vanity. I’ve been using it the last couple of weeks and I’ve been really impressed with the quality.…

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The essential leather jacket

Everlane u-neck t-shirt, Dr Denim skinny jeans, Acne Studios leather jacket By far my favourite of the lot – when it comes to essentials, that is – is a well worn in leather jacket. It’s one of those quintessential pieces that I feel no woman should be without, whether you opt for a high quality faux leather, or the real deal. My love affair with the leather jacket started pretty early, at age 14, when I somehow managed to convince my mum to spend an arm and a leg on a beautiful cream leather jacket that was a good two…

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Cost-Per-Wear: Fashion Math & Investing in your wardrobe

Building on from my last post, I wanted to really hone in on, and place a focus on Cost Per Wear or CPW for short. If you’re the type that likes to place quality over quantity, or a looking to make that shift in your approach to your wardrobe, it’s likely that you’ve already stumbled across this concept. Splurging on a little luxury, whether it’s an accessory, a great handbag, a killer pair of shoes or a classic coat, can be enough to make even some of the most seasoned shoppers balk. It’s a serious investment, and when you’re dropping…

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Investing in luxury

In my late teens and early twenties, I was hooked on fast fashion. Give me a cute top that didn’t break the bank and I was all yours (figuratively speaking, of course!). They were bargain buys which were giving me a quick fix, but even the most basic of t-shirts wouldn’t last more than a few cycles in the washing machine before getting a small hole, or completely losing its shape. It wasn’t until I discovered Dead Fleurette that I started to think a little more about not only what I was consuming, but how I was consuming. I started…

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5PFW Challenge 2016 Update

Three months into my second 5PFW challenge, and I figured that I owed you all an update, particularly given some of the questions I received on my video on the subject. I’ve managed to pick up three items which make up part of my five, which has me feeling a little like I’m teetering on the edge of going over this ‘season’ (although I won’t beat myself up too much if I do!). Given I am a Lover girl through and through, as soon as the new collection launched I knew I had to get a piece of it. I…

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