On tidying up; is it truly life-changing?

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo I’ve been on somewhat of a minimalism journey the last few years; I’ve tackled my wardrobe, my files, and my beauty drawer, all in the effort to reduce what I have, and live only with what I need. Also, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, new additions seem to keep creeping in here and there, effectively destroying any minimizing of my belongings that I’d done. So, when I was recommended Marie Kondo’s book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by my friend Sonya, I thought, ‘why not?’. It’s sold over two million…

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Pounding the Pavement

The humble flat has been the unsung hero of my wardrobe this year, as I’ve made the conscious choice to shift towards comfort and sensibility over height – which at 5’8″, I probably don’t need too much of! My favorites by far are my well-worn kitty flats (which have definitely seen better days), or really anything by Charlotte Olympia, who seems to have struck the perfect balance between something that is not only comfortable to wear, but that looks cute too. For those of us (myself included!) with champagne taste on a beer budget, I’ve been doing the hard yards…

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Dion Lee [II] corrugated pleated strapless dress, C/meo right on cardigan (similar), Givenchy sequin heels (also love this style), ASOS camo clutch With all the miserable weather forecast for the few days we had in Wellington, I couldn’t have predicted that we would have a more beautiful day for our engagement party. The sun was shining and the windy city a little less… windy. I nabbed this pleated confection from Dion Lee a few weeks before we left, as it seemed like the perfect excuse to wear something white (other than at the wedding, of course!). My dear friend Nina…

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Scholl Velvet Smooth nail tool review

I have these memories of being 15, sitting on the school bus with my girlfriends and buffing and polishing our nails to p-e-r-f-e-c-t-i-o-n. At school, nail polish was not allowed, so as blossoming young women (trying to express ourselves), this was the next best thing. That was more than ten years ago and boy does it show – ridges have popped up with a vengeance and that all too satisfying shine is just well… a far-flung memory. So, when I had the opportunity to try Scholl’s new Velvet Smooth Electronic Nail Care System* ($59.99), I jumped at the chance. Who…

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Packing for a five day trip away

Packing for any kind of holiday is downright difficult; be it an overnighter, a week, or a month away, there’s always that underlying question… ‘did I pack too much, too little, or just enough?’. Last Wednesday, Luke and I flew to Wellington for a five-night stay to celebrate our engagement with friends and family, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a whirlwind trip – they’re always over too soon! I’m the type that tries to fly with just a carry-on (and a very large shopper tote), so I try to narrow down my travel-drobe as much as…

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