The smock top

Karen Walker posie smock top, Karen Walker skirt, Marni heels, KW x Benah sloane satchel I thought I’d share with you all a couple of quick snaps of my latest 5PFW addition; the smock top. This was the more impulsive of the three pieces I’ve picked up so far, and it’s also the only one which I’ll be tucking away until Spring rolls around in about three months time. One thing that is hugely lacking in my wardrobe are prints, which ironically were something I had in sheer abundance just a few short years ago, so this year I’m trying…

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Breaking the rules

MBFWA day one Who said navy and black can’t be worn together.

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Four quick and easy tips on culling your wardrobe and getting rid of excess

I’m no stranger to the wardrobe cull – I’ve pared back my wardrobe more times than I can count, only to go back several months later and find that I’m not 100% happy with what I see in my closet. If I’m feeling particularly ruthless, I’ll work my way through my wardrobe with a fine-tooth comb at least once a week, just to make sure that I’m not hoarding anything that I know I’m unlikely to wear. For most, I’d recommend doing a quick audit of your wardrobe at the start of each season (every three or six months –…

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Lady in grey

Dion Lee loop back knit, Dion Lee Line II skirt, Alexander McQueen leather jacket Fashion Week isn’t always about standing out from the crowd; sometimes, blending in has an even bigger impact. It’s little surprise that I’m pretty big on neutrals, and truth be told, this was one of my favourite looks of the day. Pared back enough to be worn in the office, but sexy enough to be worn out for drinks, once you take into account the deep exposed back of her knit sweater – from Dion Lee, of course. Simple does it best.

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Just a minute

Karen Walker top, J Brand photo ready jeans, Opening Ceremony mules, Mansur Gavriel bucket bag, RUBY x Gattabravo fedora It occurred to me over the weekend that I’ve made it into my third and final month of my Project 333 capsule for Fall. Without even a hint of of longing for the remainder of my wardrobe and, might I add, still an item shy of 33. For the most part, it’s been all about the wardrobe workhorses; the ones that do double duty, and do it well. Adding a tailored blazer and a pair of points has this outfit transitioning…

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