Things I love: Lover lace

Lover the Label lace dresses Susien and Nic’s ability to rework lace season upon season knows no bounds; they’ve reimagined the little lace dress, and given the delicate fabric new life in the form of cotton lace pencil skirts and cropped trousers. My personal favourites date back to White Magick (and even earlier), the silky french lace proving to serve as my own form of kryptonite, over and over again. Lover lace seems to hold so many memories, from birthdays and celebrating milestones, to sharing a special day with loved ones. These are the memories that are most cherished, and…

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Video: My beauty favourites

So I thought I’d try something a little different for a change – a video blog of my current favourite beauty products. I have to admit, I’d never realised the actual amount of effort that goes into making a video blog, and the amount of time required to edit it to achieve the desired end result. The only thing still eluding me (three hours later), is how to maintain the same quality in the upload from the actual recorded video. Seeming natural isn’t an easy task, but eight takes later, and a little too much time spent cringing over my…

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Karla Spetic fuzzy knit sweater, Lover leather skirt (similar style here) Fulfilling my fuzzy sweater dreams with Karla Spetic; and it’s every bit as cosy as you would imagine. We’re well into Spring now, which has meant that even though it’s warm enough for bare legs and sandals (!!), I’m no less likely to leave the house without a sweater on than I was a month ago. And with my trip to Wellington scheduled next week, this more than fills the sweater quota in fuzziness alone. Shop Karla Spetic fuzzy sweaters below:

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Tousled hair

image source: pinterest Perfectly tousled hair. It’s so elusive (for me at least), but I can’t help feeling that it would be within reach with just a little haircut. And by little, I mean at least a two-inch chop. I’m headed home to Wellington next week for a short trip, and there’s nothing like the thought of a looming holiday to make a haircut seem all the more enticing. Now if only I hadn’t left it with just a week to try and make this happen…

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The ones that almost got away

Ann Demeulemeester Spring 2009 lace up heeled sandals // img source: Stop it right now Let’s rewind to Spring 2009; I’d just finished my university degree, and was set to spend two months travelling about Europe and the west coast of North America with nothing but my own companionship (for the most part) and a large backpack, carrying far more than I could possibly need. I had a wardrobe full of Karen Walker and nowhere to wear it and a stack of barely worn designer heels to match. My wish list for Europe was vague; a new pair of shoes…

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