Celine Cabas

img src #1 & #2Celine black leather cabas tote (similar here and here) A simple leather tote bag has been on my wish list for some time now, but it’s been one of those things that has been pushed back on the sidelines time and time again as I continuously come across other pieces that I have been keeping my eye out for. While I favour one bag at a time, I generally end up filling a fabric bag with a number of items to take to work that don’t fit in my PS11 – which I must say is…

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A minimalist approach?

img 1 src The trend of paring down, and culling one’s wardrobes seems to be sweeping the internet. It’s as though excessiveness has reached a ceiling point, and resulted in the resolve to pursue style in the opposite direction, in a more minimal fashion. Dead Fleurette and her well thought out and eloquently formed posts possibly had something to do with this, or at least they had an influence on me. While I am conscious of an innate desire and willingness to shop smarter – which as I note, may not necessarily mean less – there is a voice within…

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For everyday

T by Alexander Wang shirt; Helmut Lang blazer; ASOS envelope clutch; Marc by Marc Jacobs turnlock bracelet; T by Alexander Wang skirt; Alexander Wang heeled boots; Marc by Marc Jacobs katie bracelet The above image sums up the sort of thing that I like to wear on a regular basis. Simple and clean, with minimal or no fuss jewellery. I’ve been trying to use clutches where possible, just to justify owning the few that I have, as I tend to play favourites with my purses (although considering some of my previous purchases, I would say this is a good thing)…

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