Project 333 – Spring

project 333 spring wardrobe challenge

We’re a good month into Spring now, and while the weather of the last week has me wondering if Spring well and truly has sprung, I figured it was high time I shared my seasonal capsule with you all.

I decided to give Project 333 another shot, but I’m approaching it a little differently this time around. I’ve capped my wardrobe at about 24 items (rather than the 27 or 28 I mention in my video below), and will be dropping in the odd piece as time goes on. One of the key learnings I took away from my first attempt was how important it is to be able to have flexibility in the items you’ve chosen. I’ve already pulled a lilac floral top from my capsule (after some rather unflattering comments from Luke as to how it looked on!), and have a couple of new pieces on the way that I’m hoping will get a bit of wear as the weather heats up.

There’s also a bit more colour in there. By nature, I tend to play it safe with black, grey and white and with the weather heating up, I’m hoping to step out of my comfort zone a little.

As per my first Project 333 capsule, I won’t be including accessories, handbags or shoes as I find that this ‘challenge’ can be quite restrictive as it is, and the most important thing is to make sure you have a bit of fun with it. The other reason is that my commute has changed considerably since taking on a new role, and I now find myself walking at least one hour a day (just to and from work!), so I need to be able to rotate through my shoes a lot more than I would otherwise.

So far, so good; and probably most notably, I haven’t needed to add in the denim shorts (yet…). The next hurdle? Travelling to Wellington, where the climate is considerably colder than Sydney, for a five night trip this coming week. Wish me luck!

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  1. Deb
    September 28, 2015 / 6:24 pm

    Firstly, congratulations on your engagement and I hope you had a wonderful party.
    Secondly, this is a lovely capsule……I’d happily wear every one of your well selected pieces and I imagine it will work well for you.
    Was it your lilac Karen Walker top Luke didn’t like? Personally, I think that one looks pretty on you.

    • jamie-lee
      October 2, 2015 / 2:20 pm

      YES it was that top. He thought it looked too frumpy on me. I’m probably a bit smaller now than when I first bought it so I think it’s just gotten too big. A shame really, and now I don’t feel comfortable in it *sigh*

    • jamie-lee
      October 2, 2015 / 2:21 pm

      Also completely worth pointing out that I had a huge HTML fail and linked the wrong video!! xD

  2. Z
    September 29, 2015 / 12:03 pm

    Where are your hella cute PJs from?

    • jamie-lee
      October 2, 2015 / 2:21 pm

      They are from Equipment!