The outfit I’m repeating three winters on

Jamie Lee of Mademoiselle wearing Joseph knit sweater with Grlfrnd leather trousers

Despite the “stigma”, I’ve never been shy about outfit repeating. If 18 months of having a capsule wardrobe taught me anything, it’s how much I loved re-wearing my favourite outfits. I thought today I’d share an outfit I’ve literally worn for the past three winters in a row. Some weeks, I’d even reach for this look twice.

Wearing Joseph knit (also here and worn with Uniqlo tee underneath); Grlfrnd Denim leather trousers (old but similar here and also here in a tan colour); Vaneli two tone pumps (also comes in a higher version); Vintage Fendi bag

I’ve always felt that less is best, and while my own wardrobe might be larger than most just as a result of my job, clearly the proof is in the pudding. My favourite items in my closet have usually been ones I’ve owned for many years, and that you’ll have seen pop up time and again across all my socials. While I firmly believe good quality is available at every price, it is one of the reasons why I choose to spend a little more when it comes to those core items in my wardrobe. Albeit I’ll always try to find these items on sale or pre-loved as a first measure; it’s a great way to get your budget to go the extra mile!

More broadly, the repetition of a single outfit combination was what drove me to really identify with a style uniform. A go-to “look” that I always knew worked. And clearly, this is just one of those for me. One of the thing I have noticed – beyond definition style uniforms – is how this bleeds into my seasonal wishlist. Or shapes the items I feel a desire to buy. Often times, they’re like peas in a pod. A reflection of items I already own just in a different colour, a slightly different fit, or a different fabric.

I’ve always seen this as knowing what you like, but again it has me grappling with that idea of seeking out perfection. Am I buying multiples in search of one with Goldilocks appeal? Or, is it in an effort to be able to wear the same combination of items, day in and day out? If this sounds like you, I’d love to know which side of the fence you sit on in this conversation. A little bit of food for thought; something to be continued….


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