What’s in my handbag? | the Celine trio edition

celine trio lavender whats in my bag

We’re more than halfway through the 30×30 wardrobe challenge, and while I’m questioning my decision to only include suede closed toe shoes on a day that is pouring down with rain, I’ve found the bags that I selected (the Celine trio and cabas) to both align pretty closely with my lifestyle, and the weather. So on that note, I thought I would give you all an idea of what I carry around in my handbag on a daily basis – notwithstanding the days I take my Celine cabas to work, as in addition to the items below, you’ll usually find a small gym bag, water bottle, book, mentos etc hidden away in there.

The ‘essentials’ – Probably the most essential items in my handbag are my card wallet, coin purse and house keys. Without them, I’d be a) a little bit lost, b) unable to pay for anything and c) unable to get back into my apartment; not exactly a winning combination. While I might be able to survive – albeit a little less cheerfully – without my iPhone for the day, these are an absolute must.

Moleskine diary (& pen) – I’m the type of person who tends to overcommit. Coffee this Saturday? Sure! Until I realise a day later that actually I’ve got brunch with another friend at the same time. Which is where my diary comes in handy. I don’t use it anywhere as much as I should, but it serves as a written and visual reminder of what I’ve got coming up. My moleskine is the A6 size, with 7 days over two pages, making it compact enough to fit into even my smallest bags.

iPhone 5 – in all its cracked screen glory, my iPhone comes with me almost everywhere. I use it to read and reply to emails, to take quick snaps of things that are inspiring or that I want to remember late, to take down notes and reminders, to read blogs and the news, and the list goes on. It’s a little unnerving how much I’ve come to rely on this device in my day-to-day life, and I know I’m not the only one.

Headphones – I leave these in my bag as a force of habit, mostly as I like listening to my own music when I’m at the gym. Occasionally on my way to work I’ll listen to music or watch videos on Youtube if I’ve finished reading my most current book.

Snacks – I’m a big fan of snacks; if I could eat snacks every day for dinner, I probably would. So, you’ll usually find a little something in my handbag, whether it’s some raw almonds, dried fruit, a health bar or a little bit of dark chocolate.

Emergency supplies (ie. Panadol and bandaids) – These are the types of things that I forget I even have tucked away in my handbag, although are indispensable on the odd occasion that I actually get a headache, or more frequently, a blister from not yet worn in shoes.

Lipsticks – I tend to have a few different lipsticks haphazardly strewn amongst my different handbags. In my trio, I’ve got the Maybelline Coloursensational lipstick in ‘wild rose’, the Dior Addict Lip Glow and a small pottle of Blistex lip conditioner.

Moisturiser – Last but not least, I tend to keep a tube of Aesop’s resurrection hand balm tucked away in my handbag. Mostly, because I just love the scent, but also because I find the weather in Sydney can be quite drying, so tend to slather this rather liberally on my hands throughout the day.

Now I said last week that I would be making a bit more content for my Youtube channel; a promise that I’m hoping to keep up. So, I’ve also done a quick video post on ‘what’s in my bag’ which you can view here. If there are any videos in particular that you would like to see, please feel free to let me know in the comments below! x


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  1. November 18, 2014 / 2:25 pm

    Love this. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rachel
    November 19, 2014 / 10:18 pm

    That looks so good, can’t believe you get all of that in there!
    I always take everything you could possibly think of with in my bag, yet I can never find anything when I need it haha!

    Love, Rachel